Patients that choose to move forward with the dental implant process wonder how painful the procedure will be. Dental implants look and feel natural in the mouth, and are a great restorative solution for those that have missing, cracked, or broken teeth. Our customized treatment plans work for each patient’s needs, and we work closely with our patients every step of the way.

Overall, the implant process is not painful. Many patients say that the dental implant process is less painful than having a tooth pulled. To keep patients comfortable we use local anesthesia and numb the gums around the implant area. Our team also checks to make sure each patient has enough bone present in their jaw to support their new implants. If necessary, bone grafting can be done to give patients the bone required in their jaw. This is an extra step in the process and does require additional healing.

How Is the Implant Healing Process?

The healing process for dental implants takes between 4-6 months. Antibiotics may be recommended to patients, as well as pain relievers to help with the healing process.

After Your Implant Procedure You May Have the Following

  • Minor bleeding that should subside after a day or two.
  • Minor swelling or bruising around the face and implant area.
  • Some pain or sensitivity around the implant area.

If patients notice any pain, swelling, or bleeding that does not subside, or gets progressively worse we encourage you to contact our office immediately. You will need to be seen in our office as soon as possible. During the healing process soft foods are recommended, and patients should stay away from foods or drinks that may stain your teeth.

Dental implants can last up to 25 years or a lifetime if they are cared for properly. The pain associated with the dental implant process can be kept at a minimum by following the at home care instructions. Implants are a great choice for patients seeking a beautiful smile that is permanent and will last for years.

Ready To Find Out More About Dental Crowns?

At Downtown Dental, your child’s health is our priority. Our doctors have years of experience in pediatric dentistry and love to work with children. We create a calm and relaxing environment and always ensure your child has a positive experience. Let our team at Downtown Dental provide quality dental care you can trust.

If you have concerns about your child’s teeth, or they are due for their exam and cleaning, contact Downtown Dental, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

If you have pain in the gum area around a dental bridge, it may be time to see your dentist. There are several things that can cause pain around a dental bridge, and it is important to make an appointment right away. We offer a flexible schedule and extended hours to help patients that need to be seen right away. Your health is our priority and if you find yourself in pain, we encourage you to contact us right away, so we can help diagnose and treat the issue.

Why Would I Have Pain Around My Bridge?

There are a few different reasons why you may be experiencing pain around your bridge. A detailed examination of your teeth, gums, and the bridge will be required to determine the cause and treatment necessary. Our doctor will ask questions about when the pain started and how long the pain lasts. X-rays may be needed to provide a clear picture of your teeth and gums.

Decay or Infection

Sometimes food or debris can get stuck in between your teeth and cause decay. This can cause pain around the gum area of your bridge. If your bridge does not fit properly, this may allow bacteria and plaque to enter underneath or between teeth, and cause pain or an infection.


Some sensitivity is common with a newly fitted bridge. Patients may experience sensitivity with hot or cold, but this should subside after a few weeks.

When Should I Call the Dentist?

After a bridge procedure, patients may experience some pain, but this should subside after a few days. If you notice your pain lasts more than a few days we recommend calling our office. This could indicate you have a dental bridge that does not fit properly, or a potential infection. Leaving an infection untreated can cause more serious issues, and should be addressed right away.

We recommend following good oral hygiene habits at home, and carefully brushing and flossing around your bridge. This will help to ensure all of the food and bacteria is removed each day, and prevent pain or infection. Flossing is extremely important, and our staff will discuss how to floss properly, and review how to care for your bridge at home.

Ready to Schedule Your Appointment?

If you have pain around your bridge and would like to schedule an appointment, we are happy to help. Your oral health is our priority, and patients should never leave pain untreated. Our doctor can evaluate your issue, and get you on the road to being pain free quickly.

Pain can indicate infection and can cause more serious issues if it is not addressed immediately. Our team is here to help, and we provide a calm and relaxing environment for our patients. Our office is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and equipment, making the latest dental products available to our patients. We strive to provide exceptional care, and we make sure each visit is a positive experience.

To schedule your appointment, contact our staff will be happy to assist you!

Plaque is a sticky bacteria that forms on our teeth. This bacteria attaches to surfaces in the mouth and forms a film on the teeth. In order to keep your teeth and mouth heathy this plaque should be removed regularly. If plaque is not removed the bacteria can accumulate from saliva. The plaque then forms a hard substance that can be white or yellow, and this is called tartar. Plaque and tartar bacteria can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities.

Tartar builds up along the gum line or in between teeth. Brushing and flossing regularly can help to remove plaque and tartar, but visiting our office for your regular cleaning can ensure all of the buildup is completely removed. If tartar is not removed, over time this could lead to gum disease.

How Can I Prevent Tartar Buildup?

Practicing good oral hygiene habits at home can help prevent plaque and tartar from forming. Gum disease can be prevented by brushing and flossing. We also recommend an antiseptic mouthwash, and regular cleanings in our office to ensure your teeth and mouth are tartar free.

If tartar is not removed it can collect between the gum and teeth and cause periodontitis. This can damage the tissue and bone that holds your teeth in place. Gum disease can cause other more serious health problems if not addressed such as heart disease.

How Can I Manage Plaque and Tartar?

Plaque forms every night and the bacteria feeds on carbs and sugars. The acids can damage your enamel. If you practice good oral hygiene and limit foods and drinks with sugar you can stay on top of plaque and tartar. Visiting our office twice a year for your exam and cleaning can help remove any buildup, and keep your teeth and mouth looking and feeling great.

Ready To Find Out More About Dental Crowns?

At Downtown Dental, your child’s health is our priority. Our doctors have years of experience in pediatric dentistry and love to work with children. We create a calm and relaxing environment and always ensure your child has a positive experience. Let our team at Downtown Dental provide quality dental care you can trust.

If you have concerns about your child’s teeth, or they are due for their exam and cleaning, contact Downtown Dental, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.